Cleaning or Disinfection: Which One To Do First?

Cleaning or Disinfection: Which One To Do First?

Cleaning and disinfecting are two different things. Cleaning is the act of removing dirt, dust, or other substances from an object or surface by washing it with water or another cleaning agent.

Disinfection is the process of killing bacteria on a surface using chemical agents such as bleach to reduce potentially infectious contamination.

In this blog post, we will share about which should you do first: cleaning or disinfection?

P.S. Need professional help with sanitizing? We can offer you a a variety of disinfection services. Contact us to get a quote!

Cleaning or Disinfection – What to Do First?

If you’re unsure which of the two to do first, clean and then disinfect. A quick wipe down with a disinfectant can help prevent cross-contamination during your cleaning process – that is, spreading bacteria from one surface to another by touching it again while still dirty.

However, if you have an urgent need for sanitizing and all surfaces are visibly contaminated or soiled beyond what wiping will fix, skip straight to the chemical agent.

On the other hand: If all surfaces are already clean but they may become soiled at any moment due to proximity or usage patterns (like kitchen counters), start with a bleach solution instead of soap and water.

But as a general rule, cleaning comes first before disinfecting because it removes any residue and prevents cross-contamination.

The answer really depends on the needs of the space. If you have an urgent need for sanitizing and all surfaces are visibly contaminated or soiled beyond what wiping will fix, skip straight to the chemical agent.

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Steps to Proper Cleaning and Disinfecting

We’ve compiled a list of the steps that need to be taken when cleaning and disinfecting surfaces in your home or office.

Mop and Sweep All Floors Before Disinfecting

Before disinfecting, make sure you mop and sweep all floors. Dirt is commonplace for bacteria to grow.

Next, wipe down all surfaces with an alcohol-based cleaner or bleach solution.

Lastly, use your favorite cleaning agent on counters and other high contact areas like the stovetop if they’re not visibly soiled beyond what wiping will fix.

This ensures that food particles are mopped up before being spread around again by cooking utensils or hands touching them to prepare more dishes.

Disinfect After Removing Debris From Surfaces

If you’re cleaning a surface and need to remove dirt, dust, or other substances before disinfecting it, make sure you do so first.

This prevents cross-contamination as we mentioned earlier.

Next, use your favorite cleaner with bleach mixed in on counters and high contact surfaces like the stovetop if they’re not visibly soiled beyond what wiping will fix.

Lastly, use a different clean rag for spraying down all of the walls and baseboards then wipe them dry with paper towels – that way you’ve removed any residue from your previous work while keeping the area sanitized by using a bleach solution to kill bacteria leftover after removing debris off surfaces.

Wipe Down Windows Before Disinfecting

Before disinfecting, make sure you wipe down the windows with a clean rag and some soapy water. It’s important to do this before spraying any chemicals on them as it may weaken or break your window cleaner by mixing it with the bleach.

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When wiping windows, you must remember to start at the top and work your way down, so that you can see what you’re doing.

If a window is too high to reach standing up, get on your knees or use a step stool. Make sure not to stand directly behind the glass as it may shatter when cleaning with bleach water.

When wiping windows, start from one side of the frame and move across towards the other side in small sections before moving back along the same path again until all areas have been cleaned. For more stubborn grime build-up, switch out rags after each section has been wiped clean.


There are many more points we could have discussed, but these should serve as a good introduction to the topic of cleaning and disinfection.

As always, if you want help with your own home or business needs in this area, please reach out to us for assistance! We’re happy to provide referrals and give advice on how best to approach each situation.

Learn something new by reading our blog post about which one is first–cleaning or disinfecting?

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