Ways You're Using Disinfectants Wrong

Ways You’re Using Disinfectants Wrong

Disinfectants are an important part of many people’s lives. When you’re sick, they can help keep the germs away and make you feel better.

However, when used improperly, disinfectants can do more harm than good.

In this blog post, we will discuss some surprising ways that have been shared with our team at Pro Disinfection Services about how people have been using disinfectant incorrectly and how to use them properly so that your family stays healthy!

Using Disinfectant With Low Alcohol Properties 

Among the main ways you’ve been using disinfectants wrong is by using them with low alcohol properties.

These are the disinfectants that you pour onto surfaces and leave for a few minutes to dry before wiping or just spraying around your home.

However, when these types of disinfectant evaporate, they release particles into the air which can still harbor bacteria even though it’s been on a surface for some time.

To be a strong disinfectant, it needs to have at least 60% alcohol content.

To get the 60%, you can use a spray bottle to add vodka or other higher-percentage liquors, following with water and then shaking it up before spraying them around your home!

Non-alcohol disinfectants are still effective for sanitizing surfaces, but they may not be as strong of an option.

To be sure you’re using a disinfectant, be sure you read the label to properly determine its strength and its intended use.

You Use Disinfecting Wipes  

Although disinfecting wipes is a great and quick way to easily remove dirt and grime you see on surfaces, it isn’t enough.

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Wipes can’t penetrate deep into the surface and remove bacteria that may have been on it for some time, so you’ll need to follow up by spraying them down with a stronger disinfectant or use an alcohol-based cleaner to kill all of the harmful germs.

It’s always good to remember that if you opt to use wipes, you must have a stronger disinfectant as a back-up.

By doing so, it will ensure the germs on the surface you’re cleaning is properly eliminated and you’re not just hiding them.

It’s also important to remember that it takes a lot longer for the disinfectant in wipes to work than what is on an aerosol spray or alcohol-based cleaner because they are designed to be used as surface cleaners, whereas sprays and liquid can penetrate into surfaces more deeply.

Using Bleach Incorrectly 

Bleach is one of the best ways to kill harmful bacteria.

However, the bad news is that bleach can also be very damaging if it’s used incorrectly.

For example, never mix bleach with any other chemicals because this could lead to toxic fumes and a dangerous chemical reaction.

Keep in mind: In order for bleach to work as an effective disinfectant, you must use it with only water.

Also, when using bleach, you need to remember to let it stay for at least 4 minutes in the surface before wiping it down because it can take time for it to become effective.

Bleach should not be used on surfaces like marble or granite because the chlorine in bleach will etch and damage these surfaces, which could lead to staining.

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You Reuse Disinfecting Rags

The worst mistake you can do when using your disinfectants is reusing your disinfecting rag for different surfaces.

When you do this, you’ll end up spreading around the bacteria to another surface without any disinfectant.

You should use a new, clean rag for each different surface you want to disinfect.

This is important because every surface has its own unique set of germs that need to be cleaned off before they can recontaminate other surfaces .

A good rule of thumb is only use your rags when you’re cleaning up after a specific task.

If you want to use the same rag for different tasks, make sure you’ve cleaned it off in between jobs and don’t let any wet surfaces from the last job dry on your cloth before moving onto another surface.


In summary, we hope you have found this article helpful in understanding how to use disinfectants properly.

As a final note, if there are any specific questions or concerns that remain unanswered after reading the post, please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to address them!

Thanks for reading!

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